You can request a refund of the shipping payment from the seller. To request a refund, contact the seller and ask them to go to the Transaction Details page of their Paypal account. They can see your transaction there and click Issue a refund. You can request a refund up to 60 days after you pay for your item.
Here’s how to find the seller’s contact information:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Activity.
- Click Details next to the transaction you want a refund for.
- Use the contact information to send the seller an email.
If your seller doesn’t agree to refund your money, you may be able to open a dispute in the Paypal Resolution Center. You can open a dispute if you didn’t receive your item or you received something that doesn’t match the seller’s description. (You have to open a dispute with PayPal within the timeframe noted in the transaction details.)
In the Resolution Center, you can communicate directly with the seller and try to resolve the problem.
- If you paid with your debit card or credit card, your payment is refunded to your debit card or credit card. It may take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on your card statement.
- If you paid with your bank account or PayPal balance, your payment is refunded to your PayPal account.