What are the requirements for getting my listing Featured?

A Featured Listing is displayed prominently in the Search Results page and throughout the site so that your items are seen by other users more frequently.

Here’s what we look for when we choose listings to Feature:

  • Don't use stock photos as your first image. Using an image of the actual item in hand will give you a better chance of being featured. We will rarely feature an listing with a stock photo as the first image.
  • Blurry and out of focus pictures don't showcase your item and we will rarely feature a listing with a blurry photo.
  • Long vertical images don't work very well on our homepage so try to stick with landscape style photos.
  • Be sure you have good seller feedback!
  • Include a very detailed description of your item.

To submit a request to get your listing featured, please let us know via a support ticket.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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