What is the auction or listing link and how do I find it?

Note: Mobile device information is below also.

We often times need the link or url to the listing you are talking with us about. To get that, look at the address bar of your browser and copy/paste the entire link to provide it to us. Here’s what it looks like in some of the common browsers:



If you are using one of our mobile apps, please see the device-specific instructions below:

Android device:

1) While looking at a listing, bring up your device's menu and click on Share.

2) From the Share page, tap on "Copy to clipboard."

3) Since the link is now temporarily in your clipboard, you can paste it into any app, such as when creating a support ticket, responding to one, or sharing the link with someone via text or email. In most devices, you'd tap-and-hold in order to paste the clipboard's contents.

iOS device:

1) While looking at a listing, tap on the "share" icon at the top-right corner of the screen.

2) From the Share page, tap on "Copy."


3) Since the link is now temporarily in your clipboard, you can paste it into any app, such as when creating a support ticket, responding to one, or sharing the link with someone via text or email. In most devices, you'd tap-and-hold in order to paste the clipboard's contents.


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