Introduction to Credit Selling

Sellers who qualify are able to sell their hard-earned credits to fellow users via the credit selling feature. Through an exchange (much like a stock exchange), sellers list their credits at rates they choose, and when others buy credits, Listia links up the seller and buyer anonymously, and both money and credits change hands.

As a credit seller, you choose the amount of credits you wish to sell as well as a credit per dollar rate that you wish to sell them at. This is called a "sell order." When users buy credits on the site, they are presented with the best rate (the most credits per dollar) that is currently available. Then, when a purchase is made, we instantly take the sell orders that match that rate and complete the transaction. Listia handles this process, which brings a couple benefits:

  1. Listia guarantees that once your credits are sold, they're sold. No disputes, no refunds on credit sales.
  2. Your credits don't have to sell all at once. If you are selling a lot of credits, Listia manages your order and sells it in pieces, as credit purchases happen.

By creating a "sell order," you're essentially putting your credits out there for all the buyers of credits on Listia, whether it's the website or the mobile apps. The time needed for your credits to sell is heavily dependent on the rate you choose, since the best priced credits are always sold first.  Learn more about choosing a rate here.

More articles about credit selling

Selling Your Credits

Choosing a Rate

Receiving Payouts


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