What if the item I shipped is lost or damaged?

When you ship your items, we encourage you to add tracking and the proper insurance. It is the seller's responsibility to properly ship items to the winner. In most cases if a refund request is initiated for lost or damaged items, the winner will receive a refund. Please contact your shipping carrier to file an insurance claim.

If you bought your shipping label with Listia and purchased additional insurance, then you may file an insurance claim with our shipping provider, EasyPost. Follow the steps below to get your claim processed quickly:

  1. Find your tracking number or label order ID. This should be readily visible on the auction page.
  2. Send this number/id, along with an explanation of the item and what happened (eg, if the item went missing or was damaged) to insurance@easypost.com.
  3. Claims are handled over email and most claims are paid out within 30 days.

Please note that claims will compensate you for the item that was shipped, but will not reimburse the shipping fees that you've paid.

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